
These engaging, short animations focus on a variety of financial topics and illustrate key financial concepts and current events. Choose any of the videos below and then click the start arrow to watch.

  • Socially responsible investing lets people put their money into companies that align with their personal values.

  • Find out how a 529 savings plan can help you save for college.

  • These three actions can help you stick to a long-term investing strategy when markets are volatile.

  • Members of the sandwich generation often face financial and emotional stress — here are four tips to help cope.

  • When leaving your employer you’ll need to decide what to do with the money in your retirement savings plan.

  • As online commerce and recordkeeping have expanded, so has cybercrime.

  • Learn how to analyze whether to pay down a loan or invest extra funds instead.

  • A workplace retirement savings plan offers three key benefits.

  • See how much you would need to save each month at ages 25, 35, 45, and 55 to reach $1 million at age 65.

  • The stock market can take investors on a wild ride. Should you consider selling your stocks when the market drops?

  • Dollar-cost averaging is a disciplined investing approach and is one way to ride out market fluctuations.

  • Is receiving a big tax refund a reason to celebrate?

  • Consider how emotions, such as excitement and fear, can cause you to make counterproductive investment decisions.

  • Here are six reasons to work with a financial professional no matter what life stage you’re in.

  • On their path to financial security, women often face unique financial obstacles.

  • Valuable assets will convey directly to beneficiaries, regardless of instructions in a will.